Jen & Bret {Married} ~ Houston Wedding Photographer, Safari Texas Ranch

So, as a photographer, you do ‘x’ amount of blog posts a year…some are good, some are great, and then there are ones like these.  Ones that you can’t help but love like it’s your own family.  Meet Jen and Bret.  They married on October 1 in Richmond at Safari Texas Ranch and it is so far, my favorite blog post of the year.  There’s always one that stands out in your mind each year.  I believe this will be one of those.  The facility has several different venue’s and is surrounded by wild game, including zebras, exotic deer, peacocks, etc.  I need to give a HUGE shout out to Danielle, the wedding coordinator for the ranch.  She was so accommodating, sweet and helpful!

I initially met with Jen’s mom for the booking.  She is incredibly down to earth and kind, and I met her Dad at Jen’s bridals; he is just as awesome!  Then there’s the actual bride and groom.  Jen is laid back, beautiful, easy going, and I didn’t see her stress ONCE about her wedding, even on the wedding day!  Bret is one of those that is quiet at first, but then he gives you such great feedback and cooperation with having a good time when shooting!  He’s sneaky sneaky.  He had me fooled.

The wedding day was gorgeous.  Great weather, no hang ups, no issues, and I just had such a great time shooting this wedding.  I wish all of my wedding families were just like the Spears~Barnes family.  Thanks to you all for your ultimate hospitality, warm hugs, the multiple glasses of water 😉 and for being so incredibly, unbelievably BRILLIANT!!

Jen…Bret… I wish you a life long marriage filled with more happy moments than you ever thought were possible.  You guys will be on my mind often and in my prayers.  Hugs to you both.


Love this shot of both of them…


Bret…thank you for showing me some ‘blue steel‘ in the b&w below…


The yumminess and talent below was none other than Three Brothers Bakery of Houston!


Check the guy out on the bottom right, TRIPLE fisting!  If your gonna go…go all the way!


I’m crazy about the emotion in this shot!


Homeboy was like…13, and had moves off the hook!


I actually had to approach this couple and ask how long they’d been married.  They looked at each other and danced like they were newlyweds…


Father of the Bride & Father of the Groom, having way too much fun!  This family makes me smile so.


  1. Amber says:

    FABULOUS!!!!!!!!! Love, love, love the details my dear! You rocked this one!

  2. Sheryl Sutton-Sigler says:


  3. Beautiful! So much talent! I look forward to working with you again!

  4. Randi says:

    Steph, the pictures are fab-u-lous… you’ve got some true talent girlfran!! And your blog post was right on the money… we’ve got the best family and friends in the whole wide world! Thanks for capturing this amazing night- every.single.detail. We will cherish these memories forever. 🙂

  5. Jen Barnes says:

    They are just awesome!! i really feel like it captured the whole day/night perfectly

  6. Johanna says:

    These are amazing! Great job, Stephanie! 🙂

  7. Karen says:

    Steph, the photos are awesome! It looks like that wedding was not only classy but fun, fun, fun! They are lucky you shot the wedding!

  8. Jen Barnes says:

    okay just looked at the blog post again!! ahhhh i think the best part about it (besides the pics) is the introduction! 🙂 everyone still talks about how much they loved u

  9. Katy Hinze says:

    I would like to order pictures from the wedding, October 1, 2011.
    Thank you,