Danielle’s Senior Pictures | Galveston Senior Portrait Photographer

  Ahhh, senior season.  I love these sessions because the sky is the limit.  One beautiful young lady (or handsome guy 😉 ) and myself, hopping about town to get the perfect set of pictures to reflect their most individualistic personality.

Meet Danielle.  She’s a senior this year.  She plans on going into the medical field.  Her second love is….wait for it…wait for it….photography!  Yes!  I KNEW I liked her!! She met me a few weeks ago to get our shoot on.  All week it had been BEAUTIFUL, and then boom.  Humidity wrapped it’s ugly, gnarly arms around us.  The poor girl had to fend off mosquitos 🙁  BUT!  We got it done, didn’t we??

Until next time, MUAH!



Makeup by the lovely Kristina Frank

Hair by the very cool Adriana with A House of Designers

