Libby’s Senior Portraits | Houston, Tx Senior Portrait Photographer

Little Miss Libby is 17 and graduating high school in just a short time.  When she told me that she was a huge pet lover, fan of shopping, crazy for pink type of girl, well, I immediately thought of myself 😉

She’s thinking maybe she’ll grace the good ole town of College Station, Texas with her blue eyes and blond hair.  I think with those cowboy boots of hers with the dress, she’ll fit in perfectly!

We made our way through the depths of the city which of course has it’s ups and downs.  Random people asking her how old she was, telling her it was illegal to look as pretty as she did, etc, etc…  If you’re ever short of free entertainment, just go hang out in the city, park yourself on a bench and have no worries, someone will approach you for something!

Libby, you did an amazing job and I wish you the best of luck!!

