Spring Engagement Session in Downtown Houston – Houston Engagement Photographer – Ana & Jesse

A doctor, a lawyer and a photographer walk into a bar. Well, actually that was afterward, I’m getting ahead of myself. Ana & Jesse are getting married this October, so engagement pictures were a must have! Ana is a girl after my own heart and she loves color! Jesse is a little quiet at first but once we started talking about EDM and the EDC, he loosened up! They brought their brand new (well 6 month old) doodle, Stella. She was SO excited and made for lots of sweet pictures and laughs. She’s such a good girl. Afterward we took advantage of the nearby bar inside Hotel Icon and had quite the entertaining people watching session. Afterward we headed over to Frank’s Pizza because well, who doesn’t love Frank’s?? To say I’m thrilled about their two day wedding and all of the festivities is an understatement!
