{A Wedding} ~Oklahoma City, OK Wedding Photographer

The Big Day.

The day that every bride dreams of, every father dreads, and every mother can’t wait for it to finally be over.  The whole weekend was perfect on the last weekend in March.  The reherasal went smoothly, the sun was shining and there were good laughs to be had.  Oklahoma City played a nice little trick on the day of the wedding.  That said….we rocked a great outdoor wedding on the very chilly (40 degrees) evening of March 26, 2011.  The bridesmaids, poor things just about gave me daggers for eyes for all of the pictures I got them to pose for, but they did BRILLIANTLY!  The weather was great for me =)  I didn’t sweat one drop!

The venue was beautiful and I have to give a shout to Lynda McCasland and Coles Garden for making this wedding beautiful.  Also, the reception was off the HOOK, and everyone knows that a good DJ makes all the difference.  Chris Cox from A+ Entertainment had everyone on that dance floor from the start to the very end.  I have to say that it was the most fun I have had at a reception in a long time!!

Karl, Paulette, Chris & Mike~ You all pulled together to give a wonderful wedding that I will remember for a long time.  I am so happy for your two wonderful children, who I believe will be very happy together for years to come.

Give them some comment love peeps.   They worked for it!

And for those of you who view the blog regularly, don’t hate!  I don’t usually do repeat shots, but the Minnesota clan wanted to make their very own “LOVE” picture!
