{{Dear John}} ~League City, Tx Engagement Photographer

It is a very rare occasion when I am just as excited to tell the story of my clients as I am to share the pictures.  How appropriate that it be the last blog of the year.  Chelsea is yet another LSA alumni who saw prior work of mine and asked me at literally the last minute to capture some pictures for her.  She also asked to shoot at a location that I really don’t choose to shoot at, but for her and her brand spanking new husband, I was willing to do anything, especially since he is fighting for our country overseas.  Nick and Chelsea began as friends.  She currently resides here, and he is stationed in the UK with the USAF.  They would talk, and write, corresponding as much as they could.  Letters back and forth for some time.  Slowly, the friendship became stronger, and the like turned to love.

“Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, consuming, can’t-live-without-each-other love.” ~Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City.

So strong, that finally, they both realized they didn’t want to live without each other any longer.  They were married, LITERALLY the day before we got together to take pictures.  You can see it.  In the pictures, you can see that love, the way they look at each other, the way they laugh, the hopes and dreams they can see in one another.  But the story took a turn.  Chelsea was going to move over to the UK right after they were married, but Nick recently got word that he would be deployed to Afghanistan for six months….so again, they will wait.  But this time, they will be married.  Chelsea accompanied Nick to London where they are currently having a honeymoon before he leaves for duty.  She will come back and wait.  We all will.  And we will pray for Nick’s safety.

In this business, I meet a lot of people.  Some good, some great, some become friends, some go their ways, but they all stay in my heart.  Nick and Chelsea will absolutely be one of those couples.  I had a good time that day, shooting pictures, capturing memories so fresh and new, but afterward is when something inside me realized that I will hold these two in my heart closely.  I will think of them, I will pray for them, and I hope one day, to take more pictures for them.  God brings people into your life for a reason, and I truly believe in this couple.  Marriage is hard, I never realized how hard, until I got married, but I wish the best of the BEST for these two, because they deserve it.  They fought for it, and now, they get to live it.  Pray for them friends.  Pray for their marriage, pray for his safety, and pray for her loneliness while he’s gone.

Nick & Chelsea {Just Married}

(C)Bella Photography Tx 2010

(C)Bella Photography Tx 201

(C)Bella Photography Tx 201

(C)Bella Photography Tx 201

(C)Bella Photography Tx 201

(C)Bella Photography Tx 201

(C)Bella Photography Tx 201

  1. Amber says:

    GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS!!!!!! it is BEAUTIFUL to see how you have become such a strong and OOBER talented artist!!!

  2. Thank you so very much Amber. I’m striving! It means a lot that you think highly of this post 🙂

  3. Lori says:

    I have happy chills for them. I know where these were shot, but you really made them look individual!

  4. Mike & Cindy says:

    Wow, your beautiful photographs make our spirits soar and hearts melt! So do Nick and Chelsea. Love has kept these two going after long grueling training for both. Nick arrived from a world away, Chelsea graduated from nursing school, they married and you captured it. Your photographs seemed to have stopped time for a moment here in Texas. Then they were gone and the cold icy heart of London opened for them so far way. We heard that the snows stopped, the sun shown, and birds sang when they arrived. Treasured memories are still with us deep in the heart of Texas with the love and warmth you captured in your photography. Thank you for posting the photos today, Chelsea’s birthday! Thank you from Chelsea’s Mom and Dad.

  5. Mike and Cindy says:

    Wow, your beautiful photographs make our spirits soar and hearts melt! So do Nick and Chelsea. Love has kept these two going after long grueling training for both. Nick arrived from a world away, Chelsea graduated from nursing school, they married and you captured it. Your photographs seemed to have stopped time for a moment here in Texas. Then they were gone and the cold icy heart of London opened for them so far way. We heard that the snows stopped, the sun shown, and birds sang when they arrived. Treasured memories are still with us deep in the heart of Texas with the love and warmth you captured in your beautiful photographs. Thank you for posting them today, Chelsea’s birthday! Thank you from Chelsea’s Mom and Dad.

  6. Michele and Robert says:

    Mrs. Bachle,

    I can’t find the words to express how deeply touched by your wonderful words and beautiful pictures of my son and Chelsea. I knew the first time I met Chelsea days before they got married that she loved Nick; but the pictures show just how deep and complete their love is for each other. You are truly gifted photographer and a very special person to give my kids this special tribute. I know our family will treasure these memories for the rest of our life. Thank you from Nick’s Mom and Step-Dad

  7. Donna says:

    Beautiful photos..they captured the special love between them. I’ve know Chelsea since she was born and she has grown into a beautful young lady. I wish Chelsea and Nick the very best life has to offer.

  8. Lacy says:

    Ohhhh!!! Love these! And the story!!! The pictures proclaim what you shared in the story… And it is exciting to see two people SO excited about being in love!! You can tell they genuinely love, adore, and appreciate each other!! And look at that light!! Yummy goodness right there! *love* 😀