A Walk Through to Remember ~ Houston, Tx Wedding Photographer

Last month, I was fortunate enough to attend a Justin & Mary wedding workshop.  I feel like I walked away with SO much from this workshop.  I learned a lot of lighting tricks, setting experiments and met some talented people, and also got to catch up with an old friend from high school.  Score!  The theme was “Cowboy Take Me Away”.  Now you Texas people…I know, I know…go figure right?  If you’re in Texas, you get the stereotypes all the time.  What Justin, Mary & Julia came up with, however, was REALLY beautiful.  Beautiful church, beautiful reception, beautiful details and beautiful couple!  Below are a few of my personal shots from this wedding.

Justin & Mary, thanks so much for coming to Houston!  I hope to see you again soon.



  1. Amber says:

    OMG Stephanie!!! LOOOVE! and that portrait on the bench….melted me. You made me look and feel beautiful. thank you!!

  2. Doug Bean says:

    Steph, Great wedding. I love the venues that Texas has to offer. Great details also. Keep up the good work.