Couples Shoot at the Las Vegas Neon Boneyard ~ Las Vegas, NV Photographer

Last year, I bid on Lacy Dagerath’s mentoring session, an auction for F-Stop Breast Cancer. About 50 photographers were asked by Lydia Shannon to participate in a mentoring session to raise money for breast cancer awareness.  I ended up with the winning bid on Lacy’s auction (yay me!) and started to think about what I wanted to get tips from her on.  There were SO MANY possibilities!  I decided on a photo session, watching how she interacts with her clients and listening to her tips.  We were both on busy schedules, so when we knew for sure we would be going to Las Vegas for the WPPI convention, she mentioned that she had a shoot while we were there.  I jumped at the opportunity!  But that’s not the best part.  About a week before we went, I found out that we were going to be shooting at the Las Vegas Neon Boneyard….the place where all of the ‘retired’ signs in Las Vegas go to chill.

That’s still not the best part.  Aside from getting lost, we saw a whole other side of Las Vegas…..down the other side of Fremont street, there is a plethora of old hotels with the original signs….it makes for great photog eye candy and I just enjoyed the drive.  Still not the best part!  The best part was that Katie & Brad, two fellow photographers had AMAZING chemistry.  Honestly?  The best chemistry I have seen on camera in a while.  Major props to the two of you.  Pretty faces go a long way, but chemistry reaches beyond the photograph.

Anyway, I want to thank Lacy, as well as Katie and Brad for letting me letting me be involved in their session for the sake of learning.  I had a great time and can’t wait to do another session here!

(C)Bella Photography Tx 2011

(C)Bella Photography Tx 2011

(C)Bella Photography Tx 2011

(C)Bella Photography Tx 2011

(C)Bella Photography Tx 2011

(C)Bella Photography Tx 2011

  1. Sandy Mama Pothole says:

    You never cease to amaze me with your photos. You are great!

  2. It was great to meet you! Thank you for all the wonderful pictures!