Debra & Tim | Gallery M Squared | Houston Wedding Photographer

About a month ago, I had the pleasure of shooting Debra & Tim’s wedding.  Below is an account of their wedding story.  Despite having to face a few obstacles, they both kept so positive.  Debra, you are absolutely so graceful and I know you will make a wonderful wife for Tim.  And Tim, as long as you keep singing your rap flows to Deb, she won’t be able to help but adore you.  I hope you all enjoy it.



Church:  Prince of Peace Catholic Church

Reception: Gallery M Squared

Photo Booth: Premier Photography

DJ: Smiley & Brown Joe   713.320.6620


  1. annette says:

    you did amazingggg stephanie!!!!! 🙂 im def. gnna tell people about u!!!! 🙂 🙂

  2. Max Harrison says:

    What an amazing wedding.