Megan + Lee | Houston Engagement Photographer

Meet Megan and Lee.  They are going to be throwing a wedding soiree off the hook this November.  Lee is sarcastic and makes me laugh.  He is the perfect guy when it comes to pictures.  No complaints, big smiles and accomodating to his future bride.  Megan is crafty, creative and doesn’t realize how awesome she is.  Her pink cheeks and mischevious smile are a perfect combination for a guy to fall in love.

The poor souls ventured out with me into the ever so lovely August heat of Houston, Texas to get a few ‘snapshots’ for their upcoming nuptials.  We took it like grown ups without complaint.  You know why?  Because we didn’t get rained out (like the previous attempt) and we weren’t mugged during our adventure!

Megan, Lee-I honestly cannot WAIT to share your wedding day with you.

  1. They make a beautiful couple.

  2. Debbie Brizendine says:

    these pictures are AWESOME!!! Megan looks absolutely beautiful (as always!) and Lee looks like the perfect bandit! with his beard/go-T!! can’t wait for the wedding-should be lots of fun!
    Congrats to both of you!

    Aunt Deb