A Wedding Experience: My First A&M Wedding | College Station, Tx Wedding Photographer

Last year, my good friend as well as a brilliant photographer, Lacy Dagerath, asked me to second shoot a wedding with her.  This was going to be an 800+ guest wedding.  Big.  HUGE.  So of course, I was willing to rock this out with her.  Nothing could prepare me for this experience~in a good way.  You would think that it would be intimidating to be a photographer at a wedding this big, but as a second shooter, I had free reign to be creative and relax.  This wedding was off the hook!  Beautiful people, beautiful details, beautiful bride and groom.  There was a LOT of work put into this event, as you will see below.

The part that I enjoyed was knowing that the whole town of this lovely couple was sharing their day.  That, and they were both Aggie Alumni, so a good portion of Texas A&M was present 😉   Mind you, at this point in time I had not been to one A&M game, hadn’t been on campus, hadn’t really been to College Station.  That being said, they all formed a circle and began this song…one of their fight song.  They then put their arms around each other, lock their legs and sway back and forth while shouting and singing with pride.  I’d never felt such a feeling of family, pride and togetherness.  I had no idea what was happening.  I thought it was just something Aggie’s did at weddings.  Lacy (being an A&M graduate) had to explain the tradition.  I had an absolute BLAST!  These guys knew how to cut loose and have a par~ty.


Below is a small account of Mr. & Mrs. Jacoby Lischka’s fabulously gorgeous wedding day.


  1. What a beautiful wedding! Gig ’em! 🙂

  2. Parish Sullivan says:

    You just get better and better every day! I am so amazed by your work you are truly talented xoxo

  3. Karen Oglesby says:

    The colors of this wedding were sooo vibrant and beautiful! The photos were wonderful!